Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Arvin Framework Measuring An Enabling Environment For Csos International Law Essay - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 13 Words: 4045 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Law Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? CSOs have a vital role to play in promoting community development. Some of these roles are encouraging general public consensus, promoting reforms and working on poverty reduction, help building common ground for understanding, and promote cooperation between public and private sectors and helps in giving a voice to the poor and marginalized groups in society, provide ideas and innovative solutions to meet the challenges of development; provide professional expertise and services, particularly areas suffering from post-conflict situations or humanitarian crises; and many other roles. There are certain conditions must be present for CSOs to develop capacity and perform these roles. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Arvin Framework Measuring An Enabling Environment For Csos International Law Essay" essay for you Create order These conditions promote the growth of civil society and enhance their ability to participate in dialogue on policy and program implementation. There are many systems to measure the capability and effectiveness of CSOs. One methodological tool that achieves a high level of integration is ARVIN, a tool developed by the World Banks Participation and Social Engagement Group, and already applied in a number of countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. The acronym ARVIN stands for a measurement system that looks at civil society capacity with an emphasis on civic engagement, social accountability, service delivery and the factors that influence the effectiveness and sustainability of CSOs (World Bank, 2007; Anheier, 2007). It can be applied to specific foci such as culture, and adapted to fields as arts education. This tool defines four dimensions that should be taken into consideration in assessing the environment for CSO capacity: the legal and regulatory framework, the political and governance context, the socio-cultural characteristics, and the economic conditions in a given country. Through measuring the freedom of citizens to associate, the CSO ability to mobilize resources to fulfil their objectives, their ability to formulate and express opinion, their ability to exercise voice and the existence of spaces and rules of engagement for negotiation, participation and public debate. The ARVIN framework designed to assess enabling environments for civic engagement examine and describe conditions such as policy and regulatory provisions, political processes, socio-cultural and economic factors in order to find answers for the extant of NGOs to fulfil its functions and achieve its goals as an agent in the development process, what are the different kind of conditions necessary for NGOs to work and sustain such as regulations, policies, financial resources and other institutional factors and what Actions can be taken to improve conditions for civic engageme nt. In this research I will use the ARVIN framework in order to measure the enabling environment for Arts NGOs working in Egypt to understand the extent of the effectiveness and usefulness Arts NGOs projects implementation in Egypt. Chapter one The legal restrictions to civil society organizations- Key obstacles to free association When considering the challenges that CSOs experience as a result of government policies and regulations, it is necessary to understand the legal position of the State today. The civil society sector is identified as a State partner in development. Nevertheless, there remains an enormous gap between the intentions stated in the political discourse and the reality on the ground. The role of NGOs must be understood as part of a community Activity within the State and not as believed by many against the State. The government in Act No. 84 of 2002 dealt with NGOs as a danger of power surrounding the State and must be faced- and as a respond by many NGOs, they rejected the idea of a law regulating their work on the same basis. The government is considers an imaginary construction infused with the political system where the NGOs exist to maintain the free expression of individuals and groups. The problem then, is not the elimination of one party to another, but rather to fill the gap as w ell as to connect the sectors with different levels of development. Community organizations become a tool for feedback of power through the Activities of civil society and a source of information necessary for the planning of development. The Act No. 84 of 2002 is believed by many Activistsà ¢ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¡Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¬ÃƒÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã… ¾Ãƒâ€šÃ‚ ¢ viewpoints suppress the volunteer work and displays the civil society organizations to risk, as it is considered one of the most restrictive laws in Egypt. Since Act 84/2002 entered into force in mid-2003, it gave the opportunity to the government to control different level of CSOs operation. CSOs of all kinds have faced crucial issues because of this law such as gaining registration number, obtaining funding authorization, the interference by the government and security forces in the CSOs Activities. This Act affected the work of civil society organizations and considers being a restriction of fundamental rights to freedom of as sociation. As well as the Security services role which exercises considerable influence over all operations relating to registration, funding and activities of non-governmental organizations, without a legal basis behind the provision of maintenance of public order, through a broad mandate granted to them through the application of emergency law  [1]  (Human Rights Watch, 2004). Legal obstacles faced by NGOs in Act 84/2002 Registration For an NGO to be legal, it must be registered with the state. While some NGOs try to avoid registration, many find it almost impossible to operate successfully without the government-issued NGO identification number. The many who do decide to register have to go through the MOSS , which Article 2 of Law 84 established as the government authority to approve or disapprove NGO registrations. Registration is mandatory under Law 84 for any group that has more than ten members and exists for a purpose other than gaining physical profit. (Law 84/2002) The registration process is considered a time-consuming and subject to full discretionary of the MOSS, Act 84 allows the government to deny the legal foundations of an NGO, and allows the government to regulate not just the formal existence of NGOs but also their goals and intentions. Article 11 of Law 84 is specifically used to prevent the registration of NGOs based on what their goals are perceived to be. Also reject registration applic ations based on vague reasons such as the account that the objectives of the NGO constitute a threatening national unity or violating public order or morals. Sometimes the rejection is that the NGO work includes any political Activity. The vague provisions of threatening in article 11 provide generous loopholes for arbitrary interpretations as to the grounds on which an NGO or its Activities can be declared illegal. Additionally, when NGOs try to fight rejections based on Article 11 grounds, they often receive little additional justification for their rejections, or face lengthy court battles that can drain their funding. While the legal power lies with the Ministry, in practice everything considered being of political significance is automatically referred to the secret services, which exercise an extra-legal role in this regard. This, in turn, makes it impossible to take legal measures against their decisions. In order to escape the harsh limitations under Law 84, NGOs register in the legal form of a law firm, a non-profit company or a research centre, among others. Others establish themselves as branches of Europe-based paper companies. Yet others undertake a year-long struggle finally to be registered under the Associations Law. Monitoring If an NGO successfully navigates the challenge of registration with the Ministry, it faces additional hurdles in operation. Law 84 allows the government freedom of interference in almost all NGO Activities, with the threat of dissolution always looming in the background. According to Article 25, the Ministry entitled to assign a representative to attend the organizations meetings and even call a meeting of the general assembly. The Ministry also requires that the NGO send the Ministry a copy of the minutes from each meeting within thirty days of it taking place. Regulation of Activity is also attained through rules regarding the composition and number of board members. While the Ministry of Social Solidarity is formally in charge of NGO affairs, in practice it deals with their daily matters by permanent interference through the State Security Investigations (SSI) via demands, questions, orders etc. The SSI interferes massively in any matter of political significance and plays a central role in determining the fate of NGOs. Its interference is greatest with regard to politically significant issues such as the decision over whether to register new association nominate board members or allow foreign funding. Crucially, the massive interference by the SSI lacks any legal foundation. The SSI de fActo controls not only the registration of new groups but also implements a policy of systematic monitoring and harassment of existing NGOs. In practical terms, the influence and harassment of both the Ministry of Social Solidarity and the SSI are being felt by NGOs on a daily basis. The harassment of NGOs by secret service agents also creates additional funding problems: whenever private businessmen want to donate funds to one of those NGOs, they are systematically harassed, and on many occasions this has led them to withdraw the funds. Funding Another realm in which the Ministry exercises great control is the funding of NGOs. The law gives the Ministry exclusive authority to control NGOs management of finances. This provision raises the question of credibility. Many NGOs have come to rely on foreign funding to keep their organizations running, since domestic sources of funding are often few and far between. However, according to Article 17, Associations have the right to receive donations only following the approval of the Ministry of Social Solidarity MOSS. Permission from the Ministry is required for all funding from foreign sources. Also, there are strict protocols regarding the transfer of foreign funds, one of which stipulates that all foreign funds must be deposited into designated bank accounts during the review period, none of which the NGO can access. The law also states that the Ministry must give its final decision within sixty days. However, since the NGO cannot access any of the funds during this period, the waiting period can often drive the NGO to insolvency. As to obtain funds from foreigner entity the law indicates that it cannot happen without the permission of the Minister of Social Solidarity himself. Moreover, Fund raising campaigns such as organizing fairs and public events to collect money also require prior approval and complex procedures that are controlled by the Ministry of Social Solidarity. CSOs argue that proper registration of an NGO and the Ministrys yearly financial monitoring is enough to control any misuse of donations and that the process of approval and allocation of such funds should be placed rather under the supervision of the General Federation of NGOs. Penalties Violation of the law can result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment, fines, and the involuntary dissolution of the association. Setting up an association whose Activities are determined to be clandestine is punishable by up to a year in prison and up to LE 10,000 in fines. However, Activities that are prohibited in Article 11 are not clearly defined, that many NGOs are subject to penalty without being clearly forewarned of their illegal Activity ( Agati, 2002), leaving the MOSS discretion to determine whether a violation has occurred. For example, Activities are prohibited if they are deemed to threaten national unity or violate the public order or morals, as the dissolution of associations is regulated in articles 41-47 of Law 84/2002. The decision can be taken by the Ministry of Social Solidarity and does not require a court ruling. In order to appeal the decision, the NGO may not go to court directly but must first take the case to a three person dispute committee. If the committee has not decided on the issue within sixty days, the NGO may take the issue to the Administrative Court according to article 7. The effect of Act 84/2002 over the Arts NGOs in particular The effect of Act 84/2002 over the Arts NGOs is deeper than the rest of organisation in this context, as there are three of the former main obstacles which have a bigger impact on Arts NGOs in particular and they are the lack of freedom which is represented in the constant interference from the SSI, the prohibiting of practice certain Activities and the restrains over the foreign funds. The Arts for development work are considered in a constant threat under the Act No. 162 of 1958 of the emergency law, where the first section of article three of this allows the government to restrict freedom of assembly, movement and residence and to hold and detain persons suspected of posing a threat to security and public order as it has the right to search individuals and places without adherence to the Code of Criminal Procedure. It is true that this section does not affect the arts organizations particularly; however, it raise concerns to everyone exposed to this law. The impact of such a law on the culture generated through its application across more than thirty years, which created and effected an entire generation. One of the most notable consequences of this culture is the fear of assembly in a practical regulatory framework, as well as the fear of substantive exposure to religion, politics and sexual subjects. It is true that, this happens in many contexts of arts works, but requires several conditions to make this prohibited element as a minor one. The lack of substantive exposure to any of these items not only generated from the culture of the practice of law but also to verbal orders issued by the State Security Service officers, to any of those who are being interviewed for the verbal statement to either complete the registration procedures for their organization, or begin a new project for the organization. It remains to indicate that this verbal approval or rejection remain without evidence of any of them, and become easily to unalterable at any time. Thus, a comprehensive and effective area of practising freedom, which affect the development process for Arts NGOs become closed by using the emergency law, as well as the ideas of projects of this category of organizations, suffer from lacking diversity and become closer to the typical rather than effectiveness, and closer to superficial rather than depth and impact sustainability. The funding difficulties faced by Arts NGOs due to cultural and social reasons, which will be discussed in another chapter, has a remarkable distinct from those faced by other institutions, where it becomes essential to rely on foreign funders, whether governmental or nongovernmental for achieving efficiency and sustainability. Foreign funding is often appended to any unwanted NGO by the authorities as an unjustified stigma hunting of reputation of that organization, hoping to undermine its work with the organisation expected target group through the promotion of the concept that foreign funds are always contaminated with the objectives of sabotage and occupying force, and therefore, those who work in this organization are a group of traitors, agents and spies for foreign powers, and so the operational plans for any project could be jeopardize once it labelled by foreign funding, and that labelled organization does not lose just a project, but lose its credibility among the society as well as with the funders, following this failure which is difficult to be justified by documentation. Chapter two Egyptian NGOs resources barriers One of the key factors that affect the effective management and sustainability of non-governmental organizations is the continuity of provision of funding from donors. The attention increased recently to the need to increase the financial resources for non-governmental organizations, in order to activate the role they can play in promoting the development process and improve the quality of services they are providing to public and to increase their ability to achieve the goals they aiming for. Funding the NGOs is one of the most influential factors worthy of study, as it is considered the main engine for their various activities, which the efficiency of the services provided by the association relies on the adequacy of funding directed to it. The purpose of funding for NGOs is to find the funds necessary for the maintenance of all administrative processes and the various Activities and programs of the organization. Funding difficulties is one of the fundamental problems that fac ed by non- Governmental organizations in Arab countries, consistent with the level of development of society, and political circumstances, social conditions and lack of resources available. Private sector, is supposed to be the primary source of CSOs funding, and expresses support for the social needs provided by these organizations. But the fact that this source is facing several obstacles to a sprouting: that existing legislation does not encourage such a move as existing in developed countries such as a deduction from the container and also of the scarcity of institutions involved in providing support to civil society organizations. One of these obstacles as well as the absence of this tradition as an orientation in the position to do so, and the departure of the main part of their contributions to support humanitarian activities. Domestic funding problem The private sector internationally is considered a major source of funding to the third sector in order to promote and support development projects; however in Egypt the situation is different, as this sector donation for serving community development is consider limited compared with what is expected due to various reasons such as the policy restrictions and interferences from the government and SSI, the absence of tax relief on funding submissions for NGOs, The existence of other forms of contribution and donation relating to religion which makes the opportunity directed to services, other than direct assistance to individuals and families impossible. The religious NGOs (Muslim and Christian) are considered in the forefront of national voluntary associations which do not suffer from the problem of funding due to their ability of mobilizing their resources such as the Zakat contributions  [2]  which is a religion obligation for Muslims who are considered the majority in Egypt, as this financial recourse significantly contributes in operating several charitable and religious organizations. Foreign funding problems It should be noted that the issue of foreign funding is a serious issue raised on the Egyptian arena for a long time, especially with limited sources of funding. This issue can be summarized in that non-governmental organizations in Egypt cannot accept funds from foreign organizations or governments under certain circumstances as it consider illegal. The government consider the foreign funding for local NGOs in a certain situation as a potential plan for achieving political reorientation of the public away from government control. Varied views on this issue were divided between supporters and opponents. The most weighty arguments in favour as follows: the world in light of globalization has become a small village, where the information available to all, where there is no longer be concealed. The funding for the service of citizens are allowed in all countries of the world, while the funding is only prohibited covert funding or targeted for political Activity. Also, recipients deal with donors on the basis of the stated purposes or objectives, so convergence of interests may be a significant reason to provide funding. Opposing views has subjected CSOs to accusations that the foreign funding is presented in order to implement hidden foreign agendas and that these CSOs representing a homogeneous bloc of Western interests seeking to dominate Egypt. This perspective in turn creates a siege mentality' among actors who believe they are acting in the government and states national interests As was presented in the previous chapter it is considered illegal to obtain a foreign fund without the explicit authorization from the Ministry of Social Solidarity and this authorization may take up to sixty days while the fund is frozen and cannot be touched by the NGO. The governments ability to block approval of foreign funding is a powerful weapon. Many Egyptian organizations rely heavily on the support of donor organizations based outside of Egypt, a source of nationalist sensitivity. Foreign funding is an issue regularly demonized by the government and the media, even though the government itself is a major recipient of foreign aid. A significant extra-legal implementation practice relates to the involvement of security services in the foreign funding determinations. The Law clearly does not require the approval of the security services. NGO representatives, however, report that the Ministry of Social Solidarity does not approve foreign funding applications without their approval. Some also added that the process often involves coordination between the chiefs of security departments in different governorates. Many believe that the approval of security departments is a green light for the Ministry to officially approve the funding. Reportedly, reservations made by security departments in some ministries make obtaining the approval of the security department in the Ministry of Social Solidarity impossible (Sharaf, 2004). Therefore, the arbitrar y procedures and laws in this context, is considered a waste of existing opportunities, funding is not required for its own, but it must contribute in solving the problem of society and be a contributing factor to the role of government in assisting the association (Nafie, 2001). As a result, Egyptian CSOs are facing serious challenges relating to financial sustainability and the continuity of their activities (Kahalil Mourad, 2007). The effect of the financial issues over Arts NGOs work in Egypt As all NGOs, the arts NGOs face problems in funding,but this problem affect these NGOs better than others as for social and culture reasons Arts NGOs have a very limited access to the private sector fund. One of the main activities carried out by Arts NGOs is to hold various forms of celebrating events, perhaps the primary purpose of the holding some of these events is for developing financail resources by using diffrent ways , but remains one of the most common ways in the world is selling tickets.The fact that Act No. 84 of 2002, section 18 indicate that: The assosiation in order to realize its purposes and reinforce its financial resources, may set up service and productive projects, celebrations, charity, exhibation, and sport games. But the law in Article 59 of its executive regulations regarding parties or celebrations gives the organization only one party a year exempt from income tax, the tax regulated by Act No. 24 of 1999, the tax is collected from the direct income re sulting from the sales of the tickets and not from the profit, and this force the organizers of the ceremony to raise the prices of the ticket to compensate what will be deducted for the tax, as well as compensation for potential losses if they are not selling full tickets, Moreover, the same law states in Article seven that: exploiters of performances and concerts from the temporary set up in places not owned by them and are not intended by nature to create presentations or parties constantly, a deposit of cash or providing a letter of guarantee or cashiers check accepted from an accredited banks equals the amount of tax due on the ticket, submitted for stamping on the basis of place full capacity to settle the due tax within three days from the date of the event. Thus, the organization that maintains a party or celebration paying the tax of the tickets sale in advance and refund the tax on unsold tickets after the end of the ceremony which is considered a deliberately bureaucr acy from the government to disrupt this work. All that is considered a heavy burden to those who want to organize a party from any Arts NGOs and Organization in this case cannot find a way other than adding a substantial portion of this burden to the public, which may be in most cases, is targeted by the ceremony, and this public in most cases, are members of the poor level of the society, where the ticket price, which has become expensive, become an economic burden on any of the members of the public to pay and thus pushes him to refrain from buying it. It should also be noted that, only one party a year exempt from tax, may be sufficient for general civil organizations, as may be the focus of the organizers of the party is on marketing it to the rich classes in society and thus get a strong source to support and maintain the activities of his organisation. As for the Arts organizations, celebrating events for them not consider exceptional activity to increase their finical r esource but an essential activity of artistic and cultural service to the disadvantaged public, In other words, art events appear to the legislature just an entertainment activity and a core activity in the work of arts organizations.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Government Bureaucracy And The Economy - 919 Words

Lebanon s economy and markets are best described at the dawn of the new millennium by a private and liberal economic activity and openness to abroad with perfect capital and labor mobility. The private sector contributes to around 75% of aggregate demand, a well-diversified sector that covers the totality of economic sectors and is a major pillar for growth and recovery. The Lebanese economy is also a typical open economy with a large banking sector equivalent to more than 2.5 times its economic sector and providing an important support to aggregate demand. The Lebanese economy remains fragile. Regulatory inefficiency and uncertainty exacerbated by political instability and ongoing security threats by violent extremists continue to undermine private-sector activity and development. Government bureaucracy and the lack of transparency perpetuate an environment hostile to investors. Perhaps the best indicator showing a strong correlation between security and the economy is the Consumer Confidence Index, which is issued in partnership between the Byblos Bank and the American University in Beirut. The Consumer Confidence Index recorded a recovery in the first half of 2014, as a result of the formation of the government in February and a relative improvement in the security situation, after a halt in the series of bombings, which rocked Beirut and Tripoli from March 2013 to January 2014. Thus, the indicator stood at 29 in the second half of 2013 and reached 33.5 in the firstShow MoreRelatedBureaucracy Is An Efficient System Bureaucracy1715 Words   |  7 Pagesonce said This passion for bureaucracy ... is enough to drive one to despair. It s as if in politics...we were deliberately to become men who need order and nothing but order ( Max Weber brings attention to the consequences of bureaucracy. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Problems In Health Economy And Food Chains Environmental Sciences Essay Free Essays

In recent decennaries increasing attending has been paid to the environmental jobs and protection. The study conducted by Bureau of Meteorology in Australia provinces that the average temperature in the universe has increased by 2AÂ ° Celsius ; the warmer temperature increased the sea degree and endanger the environment ( 2010 cyberspace ) . It is noticed that the environmental jobs chiefly caused by human activities such as firing fossil fuels, fuel fumes from autos and alterations in land usage such as deforestation. We will write a custom essay sample on Problems In Health Economy And Food Chains Environmental Sciences Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Harmonizing to OECD, environmental protection refers to activities to stay or retrieve the quality of the environment through forestalling the emanation of pollutants ( 2003, Internet ) . It is believed that people should contend for environmental protection which means utilizing different methods to endeavor to get the better of the jobs and protect the environment. Environmental protection is deserving contending for as it can assist to cut down wellness jobs, stable the economic system and keep a healthy nutrient concatenation rhythm. The undermentioned essay will split into three facets, wellness, economic system and the rhythm of nutrient concatenation and explicate how the current environmental jobs affect these facets. Harmonizing to those three facets, the essay will besides explicate the ground of environmental protection is deserving to contend for. First, environmental job such as air pollution is going an progressively greater hazard to wellness ; therefore environmental protection is needed in order to protect the human wellness. The research from the Clean Air Healthy Communities states that air pollution can be caused by growing of population which may hike the petrochemical smog and auto emanation and impact the air quality ( twelvemonth unknown, cyberspace ) . It is believed that hapless air quality may take to respiratory unwellnesss such as asthma and allergic reactions. Zwillich states that by protecting the environment, the emanation of air pollutants can be reduced, respiratory unwellnesss can besides be decreased at the same clip ( 2009, cyberspace ) . Since protection can cut down the sum of take a breathing pollutants, hence environmental protection is deserving to contend for so as to take down the hazard of holding respiratory unwellnesss. Furthermore, Robins references that hapless air quality in Sydney potenti ally exposes more people to ozone concentrations and leads to wellness job such as skin malignant neoplastic disease ( 2010, 2 ) . Harmonizing to Department of Health and Ageing, Australia has the highest rate of tegument malignant neoplastic disease in the universe. In mundane, there are over 1000 Aussies are suffered from skin malignant neoplastic disease and approximative two in three Australians will be diagnosed with skin malignant neoplastic disease before 70 ( 2008, Internet ) . Since environmental jobs may take to a figure of wellness jobs such as asthma, allergic reactions and even skin malignant neoplastic disease. Therefore, environmental protection is deserving to contend for as it can take down the hazard of holding those diseases and besides help people to keep a healthy life. Furthermore, the jobs in the current environment may besides impact the economic system of the state, therefore environmental protection is importance to contend for with the intent of better brace the economic system. Harmonizing to Gilpin, the accretion of the nursery gases in the ambiance can do planetary clime alteration, hence affect the life environment and even impact the economic system of a state ( 2000 ) . Tourism is one of the major sectors in the state ‘s economic system. It is believed that touristry is closely linked to biodiversity and the attractive force created by the environment. The clime alteration may take to loss of attractive force which means loss of touristry potency and hence affect the economic conditions. Furthermore, clime alteration will increase the opportunity of utmost conditions like hurricanes and typhoons. For illustration, Hurricane Mitch in 1998 was the stronger Atlantic Hurricane ; the powerful hurricane to a great extent affected tourist ry and accordingly besides affects the economic system in Caribbean ( Global Development Research Centre, twelvemonth unknown, cyberspace ) . Furthermore, it is believed that clime alteration may besides impact the agricultural and unrecorded stock production, therefore generate negative impacts to the economic system and environmental protection should be implemented. Wang, Huang A ; Rozelle province that grain and rice production in China will fall due to the heater conditions. Besides, continued alteration in temperature will diminish the production of farm animal. For illustration, the production of beef is predicted to cut down 9.8 per centum by 2030 ( 2010, Internet ) . Climate alteration may take to loss of attractive force, affect the agricultural sector and these corporate results may impact the state ‘s economic system. Harmonizing to Raicola, environmental protection could decelerate the emanation of nursery gases and finally brace the degree of such gases stay in the ambiance and hence aid to command the clime alteration job ( 2007, cyberspace ) . It is believed that environmental protection is deserving to endeavor to implement in order to better protect the touristry and agricultural sector and accordingly brace the economic system. In add-on, lifting ocean sourness and the frequent fluctuation of conditions will impact the nutrient concatenation rhythm from underside to exceed ; the perturbation of nutrient concatenation may jeopardize the life of animate beings therefore environmental protection should endeavor to set into pattern in order to stabilise the nutrient concatenation rhythm. Increasing ocean sourness due to human emanations of C dioxide could impact the nutrient concatenation. As seas grow more acidic, extra C dioxide from the ambiance is less able to be absorbed. This will endanger the life of animate beings such as shellfish, plankton, corals and besides affect the critical nexus of nutrient concatenation ( Greenbang, 2009, cyberspace ) . In the Arctic, polar bears eat seals, seals eat codfish and codfish eat plankton. Hamilton states that animate beings in the Arctic nutrient concatenation depend on the peculiar clime of the Arctic. If rising temperatures affect one portion of the nutrient conca tenation, the full Marine ecosystem may besides be affected ( 2009, cyberspace ) . It is believed that the perturbation of nutrient concatenation will take to animate beings ‘ extinction, if the current tendency of emanation carries on, all ice dependent animate beings will necessitate to get by with a inexorable hereafter. It is certain that the dual hazard state of affairs, warming and souring oceans will impact the rhythm of nutrient concatenation ; hence the environmental protection is truly deserving to contend for in order to assist to stabilise the rhythm. By protecting the environment, the negative impacts caused by clime alteration could be relieved, it may diminish the hazard of carnal extinction and besides maintain a healthy nutrient concatenation rhythm at the same clip. In decision, recent human activities cause different environmental jobs such as air pollution, planetary heating and clime alteration. It is believed that environmental jobs have deductions on the wellness, economic system, every bit good as the nutrient concatenation rhythm ; therefore environmental protection is deserving to contend for in order to better header with the jobs. In the wellness facet, environmental jobs may take to different diseases like respiratory unwellnesss and skin malignant neoplastic disease ; therefore environmental protection is deserving to contend for so as to take down the hazard of holding those diseases. Furthermore, environmental jobs may besides interrupt the economic system such as affect the touristry sector and the agricultural production. It is certain that environmental protection should endeavor to implement with the purpose of better brace the economic system of the state. Furthermore, clime alteration upset the nutrient concatenation rhythm a nd leads to animal extinction. Therefore, environmental protection is besides deserving to contend for with the intent of maintain the critical nexus of the nutrient concatenation. It is believed that protecting the environment can assist the state to get by with wellness and economic jobs and besides the perturbation of nutrient concatenation, therefore environmental protection is deserving to contend for in order to better trade with these issues. How to cite Problems In Health Economy And Food Chains Environmental Sciences Essay, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Journal Of Economic And Management Sciences â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Journal Of Economic And Management Sciences? Answer: Introduction: Organization is accompanied with the complex set of activities in which various functions are performed with a view to achieve certain level of goals and objective. There are several financial tools such as ratio analysis, capital budgeting tools, NPV IRR, profitability analysis. These tools are used by investors or companies to evaluate the best suitable investment option which could be undertaken by organization to make effective use of resources in organization. It is observed that Net present value and IRR are the most suitable financial tools to select the most profitable project in the given options. It is evaluated that if companies could use these capital budgeting tools in effective manner then it will increase the overall investment value. (Zimmerman and Yahya-Zadeh, 2011). Ideally, these capital budgeting tools are used by organization when long term investment decisions are made. For instance, when Company ABC wants to invest AUD $ 1, 00,000 in particular project. Company is having 5 project options to invest its capital. In this case, project giving higher NPV and IRR will be accepted by the organization. It is considered that Net present value not only reflects the higher cash outflow but also showcases the present value of the investment or present value of cash inflow and outflow of business which it will have in future. This level of financial tools could be useful to create best value on the invested capital (Bier man and Smidt, 2012). It is evaluated that corporate decision are the key pillar for the success of organization. Investment in the particular project options may result to destruction of business if these are not taken in proper specific manner (Bennouna, et al. 2010).Financial tools such as ratio analysis, capital budgeting tools, NPV IRR, profitability analysis provide deep understanding on the associated financial factors of business. This will increase the overall project effectiveness and business and investment decisions (Gervais, Heaton and Odean, 2011). In this report, sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis and other capital budgeting tools have been depicted (African firms, 2013). Sensitivity analysis: Sensitivity analysis is a tool which provides clear view points on the variable factors on the particular investment decisions while selecting project in organization. It provides diversified value of free variables which would affect a specific variable on the basis of various assumptions and factors. However, with the ramified changes in economic factors, this Sensitivity analysis is also known as what if analysis. This analysis provides idea about what would be the changes in the cash flow of business if particular variable factors are not stable. With the help of this analysis, company could identify the particular changing factors and evaluate the changes which would occur in the selected project (Godfray, et al. 2010). For instance, If Company ABC wants to invest AUD $ 1, 00,000 in particular project. Company is having 5 project options to invest its capital in market. After implementing IRR and NPR, it is evaluated that company is having AUD$ 1, 20,000 cash inflow after five y ears (Shim, Siegel and Shim, 2011). With the help of Sensitivity analysis, investors could reconsider cost of capital based on the market inflation rate, purchasing power of economy and other associated economic factors. After sensitivity analysis, company could easily identify the changes in overall cost of capital and its impact on the inflow and outflow of business (Bierman and Smidt, 2012). Sensitivity analysis is used by the companies around the globe to identify the particular investment options and associated changing market factors that could influence companys inflow and outflow (Wright, et al. 2010). With the help of this analysis, company could gauge the possible changes in its cash inflow and outflow of business if market factors and economic factors would change. Changes in market factors will mostly affect the cost of capital of organization. This cost of capital helps organization to determine the present value of the invested amount in business. This could be determined with the example that if particular project is having 5 years life and cost of capital 10%. If due to changes in inflation rate cost of capital is also changed to 12% then it will decrease the overall cash inflow of business and net present value of the business (Bennouna, Meredith and Marchant, 2010). Therefore, it could be inferred that if market and economic factors are changed then it will also impact the investment proposal and selected project options. Net present value provides the difference between present value of cash inflow and present value of cash outflow in the business. It is considered that if there are changes in associated factors of business then it will change the amount of net present value at large (Zimmerman and Yahya-Zadeh, 2011). After evaluating all the factors and calculations of projects, below graphs could be used to showcase the changes in net present value after implementing sensitivity analysis (Adair, 2011). Sensitivity analysis is the main major tools which could be used to evaluate the associated risk and undertaking factors. This analysis is most useful when there is high fluctuation in the market (Fortson, 2011). Scenario analysis: It is considered that sensitivity analysis is used to analysis the associated risk and marketing changing factors but due to its cumbersome process it has some limitations. Sensitivity analysis is used to evaluate the factors and affecting factors which could emerge due to the changes in more than one factors of market. This analysis helps investors to evaluate the possible changes in investment project and its associated factors which may result to changes in the cost of capital and cash inflow and outflow (Adair, 2011). Scenario analysis is implemented to identify the possibilities of project viabilities. It is considered that project is measured on the basis of present factors. On the other hand, Scenario analysis is implemented to evaluate all the possible changes and fluctuation in market and economic factors for the viability of project. In these Scenario analysis investors has to take assumption of three scenarios such as base, average and worst case (Garrison, Noreen, Brewer and McGowan, 2010). These all three case of the company is based on various factors such as exchange rate, yield, transportation, economic growth rate, purchasing power and employment rate of country (Garrison, et al. 2010). Factors affecting project investment Normal case Best case Worst case Yield - + 25% - 24% Exchange rate - +10% - 8% Transportation cost - -15% +25% Marketing cost - -8% +23% Sales cost - + 5 % - 15% Sales price 1.03 1.05 1.00 Cash inflow 10 % 19 % 3% NPV 1 2.5 -2.3 (Burns and Walker, 2015). These three scenario events best, normal, worse could be considered by organization to make investment decisions in determined approach. Break even analysis: Break even analysis is used by organization to determine the points at which company could sell its products and service at no profit no loss. It is point at which company would have no profit no loss and sells its product at breakeven point. Ideally this break even analysis is used by company to create core competency in cost leadership in market (Shim, Siegel and Shim, 2011). These points provide idea to company to sell its products and services at which it could cover all its variable expenses. This analysis is used to eliminate the competition for the market by selling products at break even. Companies could find this point by implementing proper graphical view points and computing its fixed and variable expenses (Grant, 2016). A ratio analysis, capital budgeting tools, NPV IRR, profitability analysis will helps investors to determine which project options will offer higher profit and value creation on their investment. Now in the end, it could be inferred that use of sensitivity analysis and scenarios analysis will increase the effectiveness of NPV, IRR and other capital budgeting tools while selecting particular project. References: Adair, T., 2011. Corporate Finance Demystified 2/E. McGraw Hill Professional. Bennouna, K., Meredith, G.G. and Marchant, T., 2010. Improved capital budgeting decision making: evidence from Canada. Management decision, 48(2), pp.225-247. Bierman Jr, H. and Smidt, S., 2012. The capital budgeting decision: economic analysis of investment projects. Routledge. Bodie, Z., 2013. Investments. McGraw-Hill. Burns, R. and Walker, J., 2015. Capital budgeting surveys: the future is now. Fortson, J.G., 2011. Mortality risk and human capital investment: The Impact of HIV/AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Review of Economics and Statistics, 93(1), pp.1-15. Garrison, R.H., Noreen, E.W., Brewer, P.C. and McGowan, A., 2010. Managerial accounting. Issues in Accounting Education, 25(4), pp.792-793. Gervais, S., Heaton, J.B. and Odean, T., 2011. Overconfidence, compensation contracts, and capital budgeting. The Journal of Finance, 66(5), pp.1735-1777. Godfray, H.C.J., Beddington, J.R., Crute, I.R., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J.F., Pretty, J., Robinson, S., Thomas, S.M. and Toulmin, C., 2010. Food security: the challenge of feeding 9 billion people. science, 327(5967), pp.812-818. Grant, R.M., 2016. Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text Only. John Wiley Sons. Hall, J. and Millard, S., 2010. Capital budgeting practices used by selected listed South African firms, 2013. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences, 13(1), pp.85-97. Shim, J.K., Siegel, J.G. and Shim, A.I., 2011. Budgeting basics and beyond (Vol. 574). John Wiley Sons. Wright, M.M., Daugaard, D.E., Satrio, J.A. and Brown, R.C., 2010. Techno-economic analysis of biomass fast pyrolysis to transportation fuels. Fuel, 89, pp.S2-S10. Zimmerman, J.L. and Yahya-Zadeh, M., 2011. Accounting for decision making and control. Issues in Accounting Education, 26(1), pp.258-25

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Anti Death Penalty essays

Anti Death Penalty essays I. Roosevelt Collins, a black man in Alabama, was convicted of rape, sentenced to death, and executed in 1937. Roosevelt testified that the victim who was white had consented to sex, which caused a near-riot in the courtroom. The all-white jury deliberated for only FOUR minutes. Later interviews with several jurors revealed that although they believed the act was consensual, they also thought that he deserved death simply for messin around with a white woman. Even the judge, off the record, admitted his belief that Roosevelt was telling the truth, QUOTE: An innocent man went to his death. Horace Dunkins was executed on July 17, 1989. His attorney never told the jury he was mentally retarded, with an IQ estimated at 65. When newspapers reported this several years later, one juror told the press she would not have voted for the death penalty had she known of his retardation. The accomplice to this crime was given a life sentence. II. Everyone has their own opinion of the Death Penalty. The problem is, most United States citizens do not have the facts. As long as the death penalty is a form of punishment, we all should be aware of this information...the correct information, and not just what crime the Dead Man Walking committed. III. Myself, Chandra, Steve, and Geoff have done extensive research on the subject of corporal punishment and will discuss those findings with you today. IV. The Death Penalty is a costly, immoral, and imperfect form of punishment. Before Americans chant Death for a moral wrong, we should make sure that we are right. V. Today we will discuss some of the problems with the death penalty, solutions and alternatives to it, and even give you a glimpse into how our future America will be if we continue this immoral deterrent. Chandra will share with us three of the major problems with the death penalty. Steve will discuss some soluti...

Sunday, November 24, 2019

A Brief History Of Musical Theater essays

A Brief History Of Musical Theater essays Though it has its roots in European forms such as opera and operetta, what we know as musical theatre today is a form that developed in America during the 20th century. The birth of musical theatre can be traced to an 1866 production called The Black Crook, a far-fetched melodrama scheduled to open in New York City. At the same time a French ballet troupe was scheduled to appear but the theatre where the ballet was to take place burned to the ground. The producer of The Black Crook, having little faith in his show, hired the ballet troupe to be part of his production. The dances were performed in between scenes of the play, thus joining a play with music and dance. It was widely successful. Following this, most of the musicals that were seen came from the vaudeville type show. They were primarily revues with scenes and songs. Little vignettes that were separate entities, featuring very popular songs and usually a large chorus of pretty female dancers. The subject matter was light and frivolous. Popular composers of this time included Irving Berlin, Jerome Kern, George Gershwin, Cole Porter and Richard Rodgers. The lyrics were generally witty and clever, and they reflected a high order on intelligence. For example, in Youre the Top Cole Porter compares the singers beloved to a wide range of objects, stating that the person is the Colosseum and the Louvre Museum, a Bendel bonnet and a Shakespears sonnet, they rhyming the Tower of Pisa with the smile on the Mona Lisa. Another major milestone in the early development of musical theatre was the work of George M. Cohen. Cohen was a performer, writer and composer who wrote music with a very definite American strain, such as Yankee Doodle Dandy and Give My Regards to Broadway. He wrote dialogue for his shows that was more down-to-earth and was used to move the story forward. This was the birth of the book musical. A musical te...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Gold Rush Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Gold Rush - Essay Example Apparently, the search for gold in the silent narrative establishes the point where the conflict develops as the main characters find themselves seeking after desperate means to obtain food and shelter. Though â€Å"The Gold Rush† illustrates the serious theme with comic relief via Chaplin’s signature slapstick routine, the borrowed ‘Tramp’ character herein projects no element of formalism. The Lone Prospector remains a common-man figure yet, as may be observed frequently, it is his sense of humor and humble attitude toward life which lightens up the rather severe image of poor and rough living in an all-snow mountainous region. Details of realism are vivid in the creation of the plot as the actors portray natural roles of men in pursuit of treasure with an approach that engages them in the course of nature instead of heroic transformation or magical escape from reality. The realist perspective of the plot guides their actions to arrive at the turning point and settle for resolution through real unpredictable circumstances. One concrete evidence would be the instance when Big Jim McKay exclaims having found gold at the onset (00:04:53) but the story proceeds into the situation where the famished McKay craves food (00:20:49) and says to his fellow â€Å"I thought you was a chicken† out of an illusion. Life in Alaska in the first quarter of the 20th century entailed having to cope with significant crises in economy which affected even the moral and social relations among the state inhabitants, in general. This is quite conspicuous in the unfortunate affairs which the Lone Prospector, McKay, and Black Larsen are confronted with in that, while Larsen sets off to get even in fate despite the burning cold weather, the other two have gone to the extremes of having a cooked shoe served for a Thanksgiving dinner (00:18:50). Their representational acting, in this stage, altogether appears lacking in emotional consequence or one that exhi bits warm human sentiment as the film attempts to demonstrate the truth regarding pretense and suspicion which humans were disposed to behave with at such times. Nevertheless, the abrupt pace of the acts coinciding with the thematic rhythm enables the audience to perceive â€Å"The Gold Rush† under the influence of its comical effects notwithstanding a grasp of the film’s historical context by a viewer. With humor, being the principal component of the cinema piece, the economic issue loses its essence as the heavy subject as the audience becomes more drawn to recognize the filmmaker’s chief objective of structuring the story flow with comedic schemes. By the moment the Lone Prospector parts from his temporary comrade and ventures across the icy environment, his trip leads to the Monte Carlo Dance Hall in Yukon where he is bound to meet Georgia. In the midst of the rush for gold, the man encounters the love of his life at an instant (00:31:53). Since his silent c haracter onscreen is further silent in this portion of the film, Chaplin renders peculiar gestures in acting out the fascinated yet speechless man after the woman’s invitation to dance. He utilizes certain body language to speak of the hidden feelings as via

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Capital Asset Pricing Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Capital Asset Pricing Model - Essay Example The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a liaison involving risk and return on a portfolio of investments. Sharpe, William F (1964, pp. 425-442) formulated the CAPM hypothesis. It is the groundwork of modern finance which puts forward that the risk premium of a single asset is equal to its beta times the risk premium of the market portfolio on the whole. Beta computes the level of inter-movement of the asset's return and the total return on the entire market portfolio of an investor. Put differently, beta measures the organized risk of an asset which is nothing but the quantity of risk and it cannot be spread. Frank J. Fabozzi and Harry Markowitz (2002, p.67) define CAPM as "The anticipated return for an asset according to CAPM is equal risk free rate plus a risk premium". They further state that "even though the idea is not true it does not mean that the constructs introduced by the theory are not important. Constructs introduced in the development of theory include the notion of a market portfolio, systematic risk, diversifiable risks and beta." The entire movement of the market is enlarged with stocks which possess betas greater than 1.0. Stocks which have betas between 0 and 1.0 are inclined to go in the same route as the market. Certainly, the market is the collection of all stocks, and hence the standard stock has a beta of 1.0 Risk is best adjudicated in the context of a portfolio of securities. Part of the ambiguity about a sureties return is branched out when security is sorted with other assets in a portfolio. It can be said that diversification is the best for the investors undoubtedly. This does not entail that business firms have to diversify. Corporate variegation is superfluous if capitalists can broaden on their personal account. Frank J Fabozzi and Pamela P Peterson (2003, p 299) state that "Though it lacks realism and is difficult to apply, the CAPM makes some sense regarding the role of diversification and the type of risks we need to consider in investment decisions." When an asset does contain a factor of market risk, CAPM submits that it should make a risk premium impartial to the sum of market risk mused in the asset. If the fundamental market has an amount of return vagueness, it can be assumed that the market return will be greater than the risk gratis return. This is the surplus market return. To obtain the additive surplus return, the marked is levered with the market return either up or down by the level of market risk disclosure intrinsic in the asset (Bruce J Feible, 2003, p. 192). The most frequently used gauge of risk or unpredictability in finance is standard deviation. This is because 'the return on a portfolio is a weighted average of the returns of individual assets'

Monday, November 18, 2019

The Importance of Palliative Care to the Old Dying Individuals Dissertation

The Importance of Palliative Care to the Old Dying Individuals - Dissertation Example The authors of this article carried out a study on 1,254 physicians using questionnaires. Most of the respondents used were women with a mean age of 45. This study was the first Dutch study carried out to give an insight into the practice of CPS by nursing home physicians. The study fails to recognize the importance of temporary palliative sedation, which was not included in the study. However, I agree with the findings of the study that administration of CPS to patients with cancer and dementia differ in several ways. This study was carried out in six veterans’ affairs medical centers located in the southeast United States. It implemented palliative care, a multi-component, and education based intervention through staff training, written materials, electronic order set, and follow up consultations. The study was a qualitative research that involved the use of telephone interviews and qualitative data analysis. The results of the research carried out are useful in optimizing the best practices in acute care settings. The article focuses on the end of life nursing education consortium critical care (ELNEC-CC) programs that were funded by Arch stone foundation to improve end of life care education of care nurses in California. From the study, ELNEC-CC offers an emphasis on the end of life areas specific to critical care. It is evident that the participants consider the ELNEC-CC materials as helpful in giving professional education.The authors carry out a research on acute and critical care nurses on the aging population. From the findings, the authors conclude that there is no adequate education on the nurses to take care of the population 388 participants were used for the study through education in ELNEC modules. The participants revised policies and made changes in their workplaces so that better care is provided for dying critical care patients. The authors of this article carried out a study to describe an evaluation of ELNEC oncology training program. The study was carried out using 124 nurs es representing 74 chapters of ONS.

Friday, November 15, 2019

The Typologies Of Tourist Behaviour Tourism Essay

The Typologies Of Tourist Behaviour Tourism Essay When predicting future travel patterns, it is critical to first have basic knowledge of a persons travel motivation and what is motivating them to pursue travelling to destinations that they have selected. As  Pearce, Morrison Rutledge (1998) have defined tourist motivation as the global integrating network of biological and cultural forces which gives value and direction to travel choices, behaviour and experience. Each tourist is driven by different motives that determine their travel choices. These choices can be for new experiencing, culture fascination, recreation, pleasure and relaxing and shopping. Although what motivates people to travel may differ, but there is always recurrent themes emerging. For instance, a person may choose to travel and escape from their usual place of living and decides on taking up a holiday for different surroundings and relaxation, to explore new things, places and people. Many have viewed motivation as a major determinant of the tourists behaviour. Theories of motivation is the concept of needs and they are seen as the forces that arouses motivated behaviour and to best understand what motivates people, it is useful to discover the needs they have and how these needs can be fulfilled. Maslows hierarchy of needs theory is the best known motivation theories. The push and pull concept is another line of travel motivation, while Plogs allocentrism/psychocentrism model will help explain phenomenal rise and fall of travel destinations. Cohen (1972) in his early studies, draws attention to the fact that all tourists are seeking some element of novelty and strangeness while, at the same time, most also need to retain something familiar. How tourists combine the demands for novelty with familiarity can in turn be used to derive a typology. According to Johns Gyimothy (2002) Cohen distinguished tourist using sociological principles into organised mass tourist, individual mass tourists, explorer and drifter. In this essay, we shall discuss different authors approach for travel motivation and typologies of tourists behaviour and shall critically review and compare these theories and typologies. Travel Motivation Travel motivation includes two factors, the push motives factor which describes the need for exploring, relaxing, and interacting socially in the vacation decision. While pull motives is the attraction caused by the destination to the person, these factors include sight seeing, and historical attractions and sites. Push factors are known to form a desire for travelling, and pull factors are known to explicate the choice of destination. Crompton (1979). Push factors can also suggest avoidance of work and pressures at home caused culturally or socially. And pull factors suggest simply seeking adventure, freedom, escape, leisure and play. Seaton (1997) Maslows theory involves five needs forming a hierarchy, in a pyramid shape from lower to higher needs. Maslow explained how when the lower needs Physiological needs (basic life needs- air, water, food, shelter, warmth, sleep, sex), Safety needs (protection, security, low, limits, stability, order), Belonging and love (family, affection, relationships, work groups) are achieved the person would be motivated by the needs of the next two levels Esteem needs (achievement, status, responsibility, reputation), Self-actualization needs (personal growth and fulfilment). Although Maslows theory has been criticized as the basic five needs remain ambiguous, while some feel that it has provided relevance in how human actions are understandable and predictable. The tourism industry has borrowed a lot from Maslow because he provides a convenient set of containers that can be relatively labelled. Maslows hierarchy of needs has also produced a useful tool for understanding psychological motivational factors in tourism. For instance, a person may choose to travel to visit friends and family, but the underlying psychological motivation may be brought by the need for belonging and desire to reunite family links. Iso-Ahola (1982) stated that when tourists are on holidays their roles over time may be switched and different needs will emerge. Sometimes a single motivation may not always be the main factor for travel, if while on holiday and the initial needs are satisfied, other motivations might rise. It is congruent with Maslows theories of needs to argue that if there is a primary need for relaxation while on holiday, the satisfaction of relaxing will create a new need such as exploring the place to enable processes of self-actualization to take place. The four motivational needs Beard and Ragheb (1983) stated are derived from the work of Maslow (1970). These components help in assessing the extent to which individuals are motivated to participate in and are involved in activities such as learning, discovering, exploring and imagining; the social component helps in assessing the level where individuals are participating in leisure activities for social reasons. Friendship and interpersonal relationships is one of the basic needs, while the second need is the esteem of others. While the competence-mastery component assesses the level of which individuals engage in leisure activities in order to accomplish, master, challenge and compete. These activities are usually physical in nature; it is escaping and getting away from overbearing life situations. It drives individuals to seek solitude, unwind, rest and search for calm conditions to avoid social contacts. Sefton and Burton (1987) has replicated these four motivations to form the foundation of their Leisure Motivation Scale. However the original Ragheb and Beard Scale, contained items such as to use and develop physical skills and abilities. This attitude is associated with competition and staying fit, others have demonstrated that competency and mastery can be established in ways such as intellectual pursuits. Other researchers have also identified four groups of motivations, which are linked to Maslows ideas. These ideas include physical motivators such as health and less tension; cultural motivators such as religion, art and heritage; interpersonal motivators such as visiting family and friends; status motivators such as self esteem and personal development. Hudman and Hawkins (1989) made a list of ten main motivators that motivated tourists. These ten motivators are anywhere from physical activities to physical inactivities. They are curiosity, sports, health, natural resources, man made facilities, visiting friends and relatives, business, religion, self esteem and physical inactivity such as simply sunbathing and relaxing. Similarly to the above, six combinations of motivations were grouped and the six combinations included; educational and cultural which be the interest of historic sites, relaxation, adventure and pleasure, health and recreation, ethnicity and family. This leads to the been-there-done that factor to a tourist. The Iso-Aholas theory indicates that what motivates tourism is the assertion of personal escape whereby overcoming bad mood and changing the pace of your everyday life, personal seeking whereby boasting about your experience to others to feel good about yourself, interpersonal escape is whereby you escape the stressful environment you are in and avoid interactions with others, and interpersonal seeking is being with individuals with similar interest and to meet new people. Snepenger et al (2006) Another seven elements of tourist motivations were identified by Dann (1981) and his motivation elements included; travelling as a response to what is desired, destination pull in response to a motivational push, motivation as a fantasy whereby engaging in activities that are deemed unacceptable in their culture and home environment, motivation as a classified purpose such as visiting family and relatives, motivational typologies, motivation and tourist experience, and motivation as an auto-definition and meaning such as the way in which a tourist will explain their situations and respond to them. The Travel Career Ladder is another travel motivation and it consists of five elements developed by P.Pearce (1988) these five travel motivation elements vary from motivations of relaxation, stimulation, relationship, self-esteem, to development and fulfilment. A tourist motivation is an ever changing process and moving up the ladder while progressing through the various life-cycle changes. The model Pearce developed showed that motivations are divided into two categories. The need may be self-centred for instance relaxation may be done solo and the holiday maker seeks a quiet restful time alone, or the need is directed at others for instance it can be relaxation with other individuals and springing from the need for external excitement and desire for novelty. More examples of self-centred needs and needs directed at others are; self directed needs springs from the concern for own safety, relationship can be self-directed which means giving love and affection and maintaining relationships, self-esteem and development maybe self-directed like development of skills, special interests, competence and mastery, fulfilment is another example of self-directed needs, as if fulfils and understands oneself more and experience peace. While needs directed at others can be directed toward others arising out of the concern for others safety, or it can be directed at others by means of receiving affection and to be with group membership and it may be directed at others like prestige, and glamour of travelling. Seaton (1997) criticized Pearces travel motivations. For instance, as Pearce argued that stimulation may be understood alone a dimension of risk and safety of oneself or of others, it may be argued that there is a distinctive difference between these two motivations. A concern about the safety of others might mean placing yourself at risk to help others from danger. The willingness to do this relies on the certainty of a persons psychological maturity. It has been suggested by Pearce Lee (2005) that in the Travel Career Ladder framework, the term career indicates that many individuals orderly move through a series of stage or their travel motivational patterns are predictable. As some may influentially say to the Travel Career Ladder, others may remain at a particular level, mostly depending on opportunities and other limitations such as health and financial situations. Typologies of Tourist Behaviour Cohen (1972), in his early studies, draws attention to the fact that all tourists are seeking some element of novelty and strangeness while, at the same time, most also need to retain something familiar. How tourists combine the demands for novelty with familiarity can in turn be used to derive a typology. Cohen (1972) the sociologist, identified four types of tourists: The organizational Mass tourist who buys tourists packages or all inclusive tours in order to visit classical mass tourism destinations, where everything is predetermined before hand and has a low degree of participation and involvement in the travel search for information. There is no sense of adventure or exploration. He/she belongs to an institutionalized type of tourism where the contact with the organizers of tourism industry is a constant. The individual mass tourist is similar to the organizational mass tourist, however this one is flexibility on his/her decisions and want to participate more in the process. The tourist strongly depends on the tourism industry but want to try some new things out of the closed and predetermined packages. The explorer is more adventurous, he wants to find his/her own experience participating actively in this decision choice. He arrange most of the elements of the travel by himself/herself, however sometimes he/she has to turn to a travel agency or tourism professionals to get some comfort or security amenities. The drifter looks for intensive experiences and he want to feel immerse in local communities. He/she completely abandon his relations with the institutions of tourism systems planning everything by him. He practiced a non institutionalized type of tourism. With this classification of tourists Cohen established an interesting link between the need of living unique experiences and the need of the perception of security. The more secure a tourist wants to feel, the more he will trust on tourism specialist and thus he will live less unique experiences (more standardized). Stanley Plog (1974 cited Plog 1991) developed a similar psychobiological model designed to explain what type of people prefer what type of destination according to its psychographics characteristics. To the author, tourist population could be divided into a continuum of personalities distributed along the Gauss curve; from psychometrics, individual travellers whom look for the unexplored, in one extreme to allocentrics, mass tourism tourists, in the other. After Cohen and Plog, researchers such us Dalen (1989), Smith (1989) or Urry (2002) for instances; they have attempted to create new categories of tourists based on their subject of research. It has to be pointed out that all the models proposed until now they are just descriptive and not relevant to the general tourism demand. They are just focused in one area of study and not in the bigger dimension where the tourist is immerse. In addition, they also fail in the same thing: they do not take into account the factors which determine the different types of tourists (Sharpley, 1999). These factors might be grouped into demographic and socioeconomic factors such us age, life cycle, gender and income; and structural social factors such as the existence of non tourists and capitalist tourism (Sharpley, 1999).Therefore, every person goes trough different stages in life, and depending on the age, familiar circumstances or income tourist will change from one typology to another. Moreover, in these classifications it is not always the tourist who can decide what tourist is going to be, but it is the society who is going to classify you (Swarbrooke and Horner, 2007) Conclusion To better plan and market tourist destinations, a better understanding of motivation is crucial. Travel motivation theories can help us understand what motivation is, and what elements must be considered to understand it, and then interpret the different findings to understand the motivation of a certain type of tourist. What motivates a person to travel may vary from one seeking adventure to one visiting a family to feel a sense of belonging or whether they are affected by the Push motive or the Pull motive. Therefore it is difficult to differentiate the different individual motives of travel and people often may not constitute to the real reason of travel. However, understanding travel motivation and typologies of tourist has enabled and explained why certain tourism destinations are more developed and successful than others. All the theories explained above are used as tool to gain knowledge about what is driving tourists to travel and why are they choosing the places they are tra velling too. Travel motivations fundamental in tourism and is important for development. The motivation that indicates a tourists behaviour can show how people set their goals on the destination of their choice and it will reveal how these goals reflect their choice and their travel behaviour. Last but not least, after undertaking this research, understanding the motivations and the typologies of a tourist is the key success to the tourism industry.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

History Of Communication Essay -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the beginning of time, people have had the need to communicate with one and other. The most common type of communication is speech, but you could not talk to someone who lived 20 miles away. Then written language was developed, people marked symbols on paper, stone, or whatever was available. Then hundreds of years passed, and people who wanted to share their ideas with people had to do allot of writing, until someone thought to make a writing machine. This machine is called the printing press.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gutenberg's invention of the printing press is widely thought of as the origin of mass communication-- it marked Western culture's first viable method of disseminating ideas and infomation from a single source to a large and far-ranging audience. The story of print is a long and complax one. It may be too much to claim that print was the single cause of the massive social, political and psychological changes it is associated with. However, print did wield enormous influence on every aspect of European culture. Some historians suggest that print was instrumental in bringing about all the major shifts in science, religion, politics and the modes of thought that are commonly associated with modern Western culture.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gutenberg foresaw enormous profit-making potential for a printing press that used movable metal type. Despite their rapid growth in numbers, secular scribes simply could not keep up with the commercial demand for books. Gutenberg also saw strong maket potential in selling indulgences, the slips of paper offering written dispensation from sin that the Church sold to fund crusades, new buildings and other projects devoted to expanding its dominance. In fact, press runs of 200,000 indulgences at a time were common soon after the handwritten versions became obsolete.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There were many different innovations since the first hand operated printing press. The Stanhope press, which was widely used for many years, still used a hand-operated screw to press print and paper, but it could print up to 250 sheets an hour. A considerable improvement was the Colombian press. In this press, the typical screw method was eliminated, and replaced with powerful hand levers.   Ã‚  &nbs... ...the negative side, wars are waged more easily, the scope of human conflict has been extended along telephone lines, the multi-generational household has been broken-up as living alone is no longer an experiment in isolation, and the time-space continuum seems to be compressed faster than previously thought possible (Brooks, 1976). On the other hand, the invention of the telephone has resulted in the rapid and diffuse dissemination of technical and scientific information, saved lives through links to emergency services, made possible the modern city through telephonic connections, increased the speed and ease with which information changes place, and accelerated the rate of scientific and technological change and growth in industry (Brooks, 1976).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since the invention of the printing press, communication over distances has become much more feasable. The invention of the the telephone, computer, and the internet has made such an impact on our society. Now we are able to view tremendous multitudes of information from our own living room. The history of modern communication is still ongoing, and will continue to progress far into the future.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Bellboy Case

It is essential to first have general understanding of the Terms Bellboy. This name is generally associated with a person whose task is to run errands and sometimes help guests with baggage in hotels. The Bellboy often connected with question; what happened to the dollar, is a case that has been used by scholars to explain and make their ideas more sellable and attractive to their readers and scholars in their scopes of study.Three men of Italian decent also referred to as farmers by profession are said to have visited a foreign country and in the process the need to procure boarding facilities arose.It was in that way that these three gentlemen found themselves in a hotel where they wanted to hire sleeping rooms. After a $30 agreement for the three men they agree amongst themselves that each should give $10. And so they did. Later the hotelier decides to charge twenty five dollars. It is here that we here the bellboy mentioned first as the story continues. The issues arise when the hotelier decides to refund back the excess five dollars back to the three gentlemen. Not knowing how to divide five dollars among three men he decides to keep two dollars for himself and give each-gentle man a dollar as a refund.This is where after reading the story one notices the trick. One,after careful analysis of the story notices that a dollar will end-up being un-accounted for-thus posing the question of what happened to the dollar? The survey as presented is good since it provides readers with deep explanations of the field’s theory populated with daily cases. The case study here presents research marketing, the process of it and also explains the problem in its expository chapters. The general research work design is well reviewed, another plus for the use of the designed data collection forms and methodologies.The authors employ Data collection and exemplary designs in their conclusion of the case-study besides conducting a clear interpretation of facts and analysis . Churchill and Dawn chose to concentrate abstractly on objective support systems and information operations and more specifically to helping information seekers recognize a task easily, put it in order and ask for the opinion of those empowered to make judgments. The appropriateness of the Bell boy case cannot be overemphasized in the way it is used by the authors as a central influence point on the report and generally all over the books.Seemingly intended for grounding the foundations of marketing research, the Bellboy case-study encourages readers to think creatively beyond the scope. Maybe the greatest achievement by both Churchill Gilbert and Dawn Lacobucci lies in the simplicity of the case-study. Being a widely comprehended story, its understandability goes unquestioned. With good understanding, the interpretation follows with ease. On the same note the authors provide readers with a wide variety of professionalism which is exemplified using the Bellboy case-study.In the aut hor’s view, this is the best case scenario to give a reader a full comprehension of the subjects under discussion. Through the use of a highly comprehensible case-study, the authors take readers through nearly all stages of successful marketing and even more conveniently how to make them all work in practical marketing. Gilbert Churchill and Dawn Lucobbaci provide the reader with both theoretical and analytical works. The simplistic case-study, the Bell boy clearly indicates how the study gives basic ideas in some areas.Here too, the marketing researcher is provided with all insight with the requirements of the mathematical skills for the market researcher. By being thorough in explanations of concepts and ideas-both simple and complex, the student or learner is saved from extremes of abstract assumptions and misleading generalizations. The Bellboy case though simplistic in appearance helps the learner to develop creativity and analytical skills which are greatly essential to a marketing research both academic and corporate.Through the case-study the Bellboy the authors bring to focus articles across a broad range of marketing specialties, including consumer behavior, others such as retail tracking, merchandising, retailers and even analytics. The case study The Bellboy brings into clear focus high quality, theoretical and applied research in the areas of marketing and market research. The case study highlights academically oriented research work often focusing in on market orientation and even counter analysis.The analysis provided by the authors provides tips which would provide marketing research-based debates on market topics such as customer retention methods, product comparison and customer satisfaction. The importance of this case study; the Bellboy, cannot be overemphasized as put across by the authors. In a general view, this case provides us with information, intelligence on competition and market research as well as industry trends. Therefore , this is a most appropriate case-study in terms of relevance and objectivity.The text has undergone too much transition that some of original ideas may have acquired new dimensions. To a reader who is new, the case-study may be limiting in the sense that the additional ideas may not have existed in earlier editions. Across all the nine editions, there is a noticeable variation in the way the Bellboy Case is evaluated. This means therefore that a first time reader of a particular edition would miss out on ideas in another edition which he/she is not acquainted with. The Bellboy Case does not look very convincing with regard to some specific topics dealt with in the text.There lacks direct relevance between the topic Role of Marketing and the selected case-study Bellboy. This particular limitation can be cited in several other sub-topics including: Problem Formulation, in the introductory part one. Descriptive and Causal Research Designs in Part two, Standardized Marketing Informatio n in part three. Designing the Questionnaire or Observation Form and The Basics of Measurements all from part three. The simultaneous analysis of multiple variables in part five reveals some remote relevance to the Bellboy case study in part six of the text.Other limitation besides the one of relevance is the overuse of the particular case-study. Though creative and at the same time entertainment, this particular problem of overuse leads to an adventurous reader to a limitation of scope when it comes variety. A good reader no doubt feels limited in the choice of examples used. To some readers the Bellboy Case of what happened to the dollar as given by Churchill and Dawn may appear frivolities and therefore fail to exude the necessary seriousness intended by the authors of the text.In his review of the text, (Brown, 2005) is lf the opinion That being too specific in the use of the Bellboy Case Study limits the number of professionals who can use the book to mostly only trained resear chers are opposed to a general readership or the business community. A reader may question the up-to-date coverage of topics intended by the authors with regards to the Bellboy Case Study. The new or later editions of the text which have expounded information on topic which include sample size issues, forecasted sales and the usefulness of the use of internet may end up confusing the readers as opposed to giving them guidelines.Realizing the Bellboy Case as presented here one at guiltily feels the authors ought to have given several other case studies as a way of justifying their arguments on these topics. As it is a reader and especially one with market research background often feels grieved to only on idea of reference; Bellboy Case Study. At the beginning of the case study, makes a general assumption that most readers are acquainted with Bellboy story. This is generally a wrong assumption since quite to the contrary a good number of marketing research readers may have a problem getting acquainted with the case study.Though this may seem like an easy to overcome limitation, as good authors they should have taken the trouble of classifying to the readers the over told story. Lacking in direct connection too is the relevance of the Bellboy Case to one of the topics given much emphasis. One generally get the opinion that the bellboy case being too general was put out of reference for some extensively covered references such as the use of the intensive in marketing research. The Bellboy Case Study as used in the text leaves the reader and especially a marketing research professional with some unclarified ideas about several of the covered topics.For instance in the topics theoretical applied research in marketing and other areas such as consumer behavior. On the same note discussions on consumer profiles purchasers and retail consolidation effects should have benefited more from the Bellboy case study since one can almost draw direct connection after clearly an alyzing the story. The problem here is that the authors delegated more emphasis on the expository parts of the discussion, leaving this latter one which is equally important shallowly covered. The same problem can be cited on other topics.Such as the discussion on exhaling and analyzing product and market before action taking in market leadership. Weighing both the limitations and strengths of the Bellboy case as used by authors Gilbert A. Churchill and Dawn Lacobucci, one comes to the conclusion that only a good book can exude such a variation of opinionated reviews. Given that the Bellboy case is a fairly well comprehended story the world over, it becomes appropriate in the sense that the business community has a fallback reference point from which views and opinions can be drawn on practical market ideas and opinions.Clearly, the role of marketing research is investigated extensively by the authors leaving a marketing researcher and especially a beginning on with little to grappl e with if any. From tutors point of view the Bellboy case study provides a great teaching aid and resource in explaining marketing research and methodological foundations. The extensive treatment presents a high level in discussion professional codes of conduct and ethics on the part of both authors.All the topics handled in the book presents on acceptable level of relevance to practical marketing an more so the manner in which the authors bring in the Bellboy case study to act as a fall back point of reference for the entire coverage. Most noticeable however are questions one cannot avoid after deciphering the case study especially as used to expound on the usefulness of the internet as a tool of marketing. The question of whether or not the product or service will work online is inevitable. The question of the type and volume of market (product and service) information to include also arises.Coupled with this, the best venue for a product also poses an appropriate question to a ma rket researcher. Finally on this topic the issue of how one should collect the returns – monetary or otherwise becomes paramount. The internet as such becomes an important tool of marketing according to Churchill and Dawn. Here, emphasis is mostly laid on marketing research and information intelligence and sourcing in the internet as tools of marketing. As to the limitations cited here about this particular text, they only remain weaknesses as far as the bellboy case-study is concerned.Viewed in the light of another angle or perspective they could be strengths. It is also important to note here that both Churchill and Dawn have given marketing research and methodological foundations a new dimension and freshness often lacking in many other such texts dealing with especially marketing research. It is finally important to note that every thing has two sides and the strength or weakness only comes in when the pointer is focused on only one of the two sides. Reference Churchill/A . G. Locaabucci, D. (2004). Marketing Research: Methodological Foundation. London, Mason Publishers.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A comparative essay of I Cladius by Robert Graves and Augustus by Alan Massie

A comparative essay of I Cladius by Robert Graves and Augustus by Alan Massie "Autobiography is now almost as common as adultery, and almost as reprehensible," wrote Lord Altrincham. Whether writing an autobiography is as reprenhensible is open to debate, but Lord Altrincham did get one thing right: that many people, even the most obscure citizen, are writing autobiographies. Some authors are even taking to writing fictional ones for historical figures who have been dead for millenia.In these books a modern author assumes the role of a historical figure and recounts the subjects life and history of the time period through a first person narritive.Claudius the God by Robert Graves and Augustus by Allan Massie are two such books. The protagonists in these novels, Claudius and Augustus, were both emperors of Rome at the height of its power making them ideal candidates for such a work. The application of a modern author's perspective to an era whose history books are already full of bias, rumour, and unfounded opinion is an interesting premise, but is it actually effective?The answer is yes, the fictional autobiography is an effective and entertaining genre, because it allows for vast amounts of both explicit and implicit characterization, which gives the reader a real insight into the true nature and beliefs of the of the protagonists, which allows the reader to develop connections with the protagonist.papo com a là ­via na casa do claudioThese connections are important because they allow the reader to fully empathize with the protagonist and thus be affected and entertained by the plot of the novel. If these connections do not exist then the reader will not care what happens to the protagonist, and thus the fictional autobiography will fail to be engaging, because the plight of the protagonist is of such importance to the novel.This all-important characterization is achieved implicitly through the protagonists' relations with women, how power corrupts...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

The Formation of Rainbows

The Formation of Rainbows The rainbow is one of God’s most adored creations, perhaps due to its multiple colors and unique shape. In most traditional societies the rainbow is used to convey information about the changes in weather. For instance, some African communities believe that if a rainbow appears in cloudy weather, chances of rainfall are narrow. Therefore, this paper will shed light on the logic behind the formation of rainbows, and also where the colors come from and the shape of the rainbow.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Formation of Rainbows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More How the Rainbow is Formed According to Lee and Fraser (2001), the earth, just like the other planets, relies on the sun for lighting purposes. The rays of the sun that are emitted towards the earth are comprised of multiple colors, such as green, red, and yellow, among many others. When the rays of sun land on the surface of the earth, they cause the temperatures of the earth to increase, leading to evaporation of water in the water bodies such as rivers and lakes. When the water is evaporating, and by any chance it comes into contact with the rays of the sun, that is when the rainbow is formed. When the sun rays land on any given water particle, the multiple colors are dispersed. Since water is opaque, it allows the sun rays to penetrate and exit on the rear end of the water particles. However, there are some rays that are bent by the water particles and the light that is bent is what is seen as the rainbow. The sun releases the rays in wavelengths: the sun rays are emitted in varied wavelengths, meaning that they travel at different strengths. Therefore, the strength of the wavelength is what dictates the color to be assigned to any given ray. The Colors of the Rainbow The sun is a million miles away from the earth, but amazingly the rays that are emitted are parallel to one another and the space between them can ne ver be overlapped until they land on an object. Topdemir (2007) explains that the rays that have short wavelength are blue, and alternatively the rays that have long wavelength are red in color. Moreover, the bending of sun rays is influenced by their wavelength. In fact the colors that we see in a rainbow are not all because the ones that are not strong enough are not bent, and thus they are not displayed in the rainbow. Usually, the rainbow has seven colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Rainbows are usually visible during the day towards the evenings, and maybe if the clash between the sun rays and water particles took place before afternoon, say like at around lunch time, it would not be possible for us to see the rainbow. The timing of a rainbow is very crucial because towards the evening the sun is usually headed to the east, thus its rays do not cover the entire surface of the earth. The position of the earth causes the rays to be bent 42 degrees upwar ds on landing on water particles.Advertising Looking for research paper on natural sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The rainbow is usually displayed directly opposite the sun, and the viewer is normally in the middle. This is influenced by one’s location, but surprisingly we all see the colors differently. This can be explained by the fact that some people are color blind, and thus they can only identify less colors. In addition, the people on the ground can only see one half of the rainbow, and that is why most people argue that its shape resembles an arc. This is not true because what hinders them from seeing the complete rainbow is the ground. Those who have viewed it from an aerial view, especially when in a plane, can testify this because they are able to see the complete rainbow circle (Dong, 2000). The Shape of the Rainbow The rainbow has a curved shape because the sun rays are blocked by the e arth’s horizon, and since it is obvious that the shape of the earth is spherical this is a reasonable logic that is beyond doubt. This is because during the formation of the rainbow, the sun is usually about to set, hence its position is lower than that of the earth. To prove this argument is true, an experiment involving a medium sized spherical object like a pumpkin, and a source of light like a torch provides the same results. This is achieved by lowering the position of the torch, while the light is directed towards the spherical object and the end result is a spherical shadow (Topdemir, 2007). Types of Rainbows At times, the rainbow is displayed in a pair of two rainbows, which is commonly called a double rainbow. In such case, one rainbow is thicker than the other, and this happens to be the outer rainbow. According to Dong (2000), the outer rainbow resembles the inner one, only that its colors are not bright compared to the inner rainbow. The formation of double rainb ow is exactly the same as the formation of a single rainbow. However, the difference comes in how the rays are bent by the water particles because here, bending of sun rays occurs twice and simultaneously. The angle of bending the rays occurs at 53 degrees. In a double rainbow, there exists a space between the two arcs called the Alexander’s band which looks darker, probably due to insufficient lighting. A keen observation of the arrangement of colors in the outer rainbow reveals that its colors are inverted. In addition, a supernumerary rainbow is formed when there are less water particles in the atmosphere. This is probably due to the decline in the size of water drops. Here, several arcs that are formed behind the primary arc. The primary rainbow increases in width and its colors become lighter.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on The Formation of Rainbows specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More With time th e arc becomes more of a fog than a rainbow. Supernumerary rainbows are said to be caused by downpours that have drops of varied sizes. It is certain that the drops of the primary arc have individual colors than those of the adjacent arcs. Lynch and Livingston (2001) outline that when a rainbow is displayed over the surface of water, such as above the lake or the sea, there is a reflection of the original rainbow. One arc is caused by the deflection of the water on the sun rays, but the main challenge is identifying the primary arc and the reflected arc. The reflected rainbow is normally placed above the primary arc. During the formation of this rainbow the rays of the sun land on the surface of water which then deflects them until they land on water particles in the atmosphere. The arcs meet at the horizon, but as they stretch outwards they appear to be parallel, which is not true. The other type of rainbow is called monochrome, and is common at sunset or sunrise. During such instan ces, the sun rays are said to be unable to reach the surface of the earth and the only rays that are visible are the ones that have long waves, probably the red colored ones. At sunset and sunrise, the sun is completely invisible. The rays that have short wavelengths cannot be seen, and that is why the rays have one color. However, the other colors are present, but we cannot see them with our natural eyes. When these long wave rays converge with water particles in the atmosphere, a monochrome rainbow is formed. Myths Involving the Rainbow There are various myths surrounding the formation of the rainbow, and they vary from one community to another. Among the Greeks, the rainbow is perceived to represent a footprint left by god’s messenger, commonly known as iris. In this community, the messenger walks along the rainbow to reach the earth, thus it acts as the bridge between the two worlds. Likewise, the Chinese mythology dictates that the rainbow is a gap that was present in th e skies and it was repaired by a female divine being by sealing it with stones of varied colors. Among the Hindu, the rainbow is expressed as the bow that is owned by the god of lightening Indra (Lynch Livingstone, 2001).Advertising Looking for research paper on natural sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kunchinsky (2007) states that others still believe the rainbow is holy because they assume that the gods store their valuable possessions at the end of it. The mystery here is reaching the end of the arc which is not possible because as one moves towards the arc, it appears to be moving away. Some ancient people perceive it to be a necklace that belonged to a female divine being. Among the Christians, the rainbow represents the agreement that God made with Noah after the end of the greatest rainfall that killed both humans and animals. According to biblical scriptures the rainbow acts as a reminder to God that He made an agreement with humans not to use water to eliminate them. Conclusion The myths surrounding the rainbow are endless, but most people adore it because of its beauty; the colors of the rainbow. It is in this regard that renowned painters such as Albretcht Durer and Joseph Anton Koch have integrated the rainbow into their artworks. In literature the rainbow is said to i nvoke and give an impression of simile and metaphor. Perhaps that is why renowned poets like Virginia Woolf and John Keats incorporated it into their pieces. In textile industry there are numerous fabrics that apply the concept of the colors in the rainbow. Furthermore, that flags that have the rainbow colors are used by activists to advocate for change. Therefore, rainbows are among the natural phenomenons which depict the beauty of nature. References Dong, P. (2000). China’s Major Mysteries: Paranormal Phenomena and the Unexplained in the People’s Republic. San Francisco: China Books and Periodicals Inc. Kunchisnsky, C. (2007, December 7). The Rainbow the Various Myths Surrounding It. Web. Lee, R. L. Fraser, B. A. (2001).The Rainbow Bridge: Rainbows in Art, Myth and Science. New York: Pennsylvania State University Press. Lynch, D. K. Livingston, W. C. (2001). Color and Light in Nature (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. Topdemir, H. G. (2007). Kamal-A l-Din Al-Farisi’s Explanation of the Rainbow. Humanity and Social Sciences Journal, 2 (1), pp.75-85.